CORS Network
About Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Network
- A Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network is a network of RTK base stations that broadcast corrections, usually over an Internet connection.
- The CORS network is a multi-purpose, multi-agency cooperative endeavor, combining the efforts of hundreds of government, academic, and private organizations.
- The stations are independently owned and operated.
- Each agency shares their GNSS/GPS carrier phase and code range measurements and station metadata with NGS, which are analyzed and distributed free of charge.
- The idea behind is to provide a common positioning platform in defined accuracy for the survey, mapping and monitoring of large infrastructure projects – as irrigation, railroad, canals, dams, smart cities, drainage planning along with management of revenue maps and state boundary management.
Solution provided
- As a solution for the uniform geo-positioning system throughout the country, a well-defined and adjusted network of continuous and permanent reference stations with network real-time GNSS rover for field survey was outlined.
- The solution provided would define positional accuracy with data correction form CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations) network on the concept of VRS (Virtual Reference Station), correction and all the CORS data streamed to a master control center for better control and monitoring of data, with one redundant control station for uninterrupted service in case of maintenance or updating of data center and communication.
Also, the solution uses Indian Navigational Satellite system (NAVIC), with the improvement of NAVIC our dependencies over the foreign satellite system would decrease and reliability and security of data will be better.
Setting Up of CORS Network In Kerala State

Signing of MOU between Shri. P. V. Rajasekhar, Director, Survey of India and Smt. R. Girija IAS, Director, Survey & Land records on 18 Jan 2021 in the presence of Shri. E. Chandrasekharan, Hon. Minister for Revenue and Housing, Dr. A. Jayathilak IAS, Principal Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management & Shri. K. Biju IAS, Commissioner, Land Revenue.